A slight obsession with books

Crafts, cats and books

Owl hunting in Kings Heath


There are owls all over Birmingham. It’s called The Big Hoot and is a trail of beautifully painted owls all over the city. I want to find as many of them as I can, so on Monday I took the bus to Kings Heath and started walking.

One of the reasons that I want to do the owl trail, is that it’s a great way to go for walks in different places to my usual routes. I’m trying hard to do my 10,000 steps per day so this should really help.

There are several owls in Kings Heath and I found most of them. One was in a shop that should have been open, but wasn’t, and had its shutters down so there was no owl to be seen. Another shop had the owl in the window, but didn’t have the QR code on display and again, they were closed. In order to ‘find’ the owls, you need to scan the QR code with the official app, so I need to revisit Kings Heath at some point to get those two ticked off. I also managed to miss one, as I didn’t notice that there were two to find in the park.

My favourite owl of the day was this one. It’s a Hobbit owl!

Frowldo Baggins

Frowldo BagginsIsn’t he brilliant?

My final stop in Kings Heath was the park. The owl was right by the Horticultural college that I attended many, many years ago. It was a bit of a trip down memory lane, especially as I went inside for a peek. One of the rooms that we used is now a lovely tea rooms so I may need to investigate that another time.

Kings Heath park was looking lovely. This is a photo of the college.

Kings Heath ParkIt’s such a beautiful old building.

From there I walked to Cannon Hill park, which is where I worked while at the college. Another blast from the past. I love that park, and it’s right by the Birmingham wildlife conservation centre, which has more owls.

Cannon Hill park was looking really beautiful. The flower displays are always fantastic there. I really enjoyed walking through the park, even though it was drizzling a bit.

Cannon Hill Park

I took photos of most of the owls that I found. Some were in shop windows so the photos could be better as it’s never easy to take through glass. Most came out ok though so I’ve made a gallery of them.


Author: Carole

The books I read, the things I make, the places I go.

8 thoughts on “Owl hunting in Kings Heath

  1. Frowldo Baggins! 😀 😀 😀 This sounds like so much fun!


  2. what a brilliant idea – get people out exercising and having a “hunt the owl” day out too


  3. The owls look brilliant and so colourful. I hope you manage to scan the remaining owls next time you go.


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