A slight obsession with books

Crafts, cats and books

A few sewing purchases


I spotted a brand new quilting and patchwork magazine a couple of days ago and as it looked as if it might be useful for a complete novice, I bought it to have a look.

quilting mag

I liked it. I liked it a lot. So much so that I’ve taken them up on their 3 for a fiver offer and I may continue to sub for a while if the next three are as interesting and readable. It kept me happily occupied for ages. There’s a nice section at the back that’s sort of an idiot’s guide to quilting along with the basic tools needed and why. There are quite a few projects in there of varying skill levels, and quite a few of those are ones that I feel I could tackle as the instructions are very clear.

There’s a pretty cushion in there that I really would like to make and although it calls for wider strips of fabric, I feel I could adapt the pattern to use some of the remaining Honey Bun. I’ve pulled out these strips out to use.


Of course, in order to make a quilted cushion, the magazine explains that you need some muslin. I didn’t have any of that so I had a quick look online and found an Ebay seller, Suzie May, who had some and I ordered it. It came about 16 hours later, which I found quite impressive.

Now, the problem is that once I get in the shopping mood, I find it hard to stop. I’d been seeing lots of lovely things online while I was looking for that muslin. I get so easily distracted by the pretties, you see. I thought it might quench my thirst for buying stuff if I got some zips as I’d need one for this cushion – so I got three. I have several cushion inserts from our last trip to Ikea so I knew I’d be needing more of them at some point.

Then, I thought I’d just have a wee look at the fabric. Just a look.


I’ve fancied getting some Batik fabric for a while so I’m afraid I did a bit more than look at this one. It’s Batik Rainforest. Isn’t it yummy?

And umm, I thought it might be a bit lonely on the way here so I got it a friend.


This one is Sansui Indigo. It’s very pretty. They’ll both make lovely cushions. Or maybe one might be for a bag. Both came from Secret Garden Quilting, which I stumbled across while surfing. They dispatched these quickly enough so I’ll use them again.

Hopefully I’ll have something made from them to show you soon.

Author: Carole

The books I read, the things I make, the places I go.

4 thoughts on “A few sewing purchases

  1. I especially like the green fabric. Very pretty.


  2. a woman after my own heart – never buy one bundle when you can buy two ^^
    look forward to seeing what you’re going to make


  3. ooh yum, I love those batiks – I think you can be forgiven for buying those…one needs a little stash in ones life after all! I like the strips for the upcoming cushion too.

    Seems to me that the ‘bug’ has well and truly bitten 😀


  4. Ooh, might have to buy that magazine to take away with me!


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